The site

Virtual Walkabouts for Sustainability

has been retired


Virtual Walkabouts for Sustainability has been taken off-line.  However, while the site no longer exists several of the tours making up the collection are still available and remain in active development.  These are linked below...


  • Cully Grove - A "green" community in northeast Portland, OR
  • Dharma Rain Zen Center - A religious center, co-housing project, community garden, and park built on 14 acres of a brown field site in Northeast Portland, OR.
  • East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District - A soil and water conservation demonstration center in North Portland, OR
  • Johnson Creek Watershed - A largely urban watershed in Southeast Portland and Gresham, OR. with one of the most active watershed councils in the state of Oregon.
  • Tryon Creek Watershed - A small watershed in Southwest Portland and Lake Oswego, OR .
  • Wildpoldsried - One of Germany's numerous Energiedorfs.  This Village produces annually between 5 and 7 times its electric energy needs from a combination of wind, solar, biomass, and small scale hydropower.
  • Zenger Farm - A working urban farm and environmental education center in Southeast Portland, OR.



If you have questions or comments about any of these projects

contact Frank Granshaw at < >.