Resources for Creating Virtual Field Environments

Frank D. Granshaw



A virtual field environment, or VFE, is an interactive virtual reality environment based on a real field site.  In addition to providing students with access to places that may be inaccessible to them, a well crafted VFE can be a useful tool for engaging student in actual fieldwork.  Besides being a vehicle for preparing them to work in the field or reviewing their work, having them build a VFE can be a compelling activity that teaches a wide variety of field skills in some rather unique and holistic ways.


This page is dedicated to giving students and their instructors the tools for engaging in this activity.




The following is a short list of collections of VR tours and movies used for education and outreach.  Some of these are professional efforts, others are the result of student work.  Taken as a whole they provide just a few examples of what is possible with the tools listed further down on this page.






Most of the tools listed here I use extensively.  That being said the list is hardly exhaustive and I am always open to hearing from readers about other tools you think are useful.



How to Videos


This section is under construction and will include video tutorials for how to do the following...



Questions and contacts


This page was created by Frank Granshaw at Portland State University.

Questions or comments should be directed to < >